Prro-Aristide Protests

Here are some photos of Pro Aristide protests from around the web showing Aristide backers protesting in support of the return of president Aristide back to Haiti

King Aristide And Queen Mildred

King Aristide And Queen Mildred

Here is a photo, King Aristide And Queen Mildred, from a pro-Aristide protest in Haiti

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Demonstrator Holding President Aristide Photo

Demonstrator Holding President Aristide Photo

Here is a photo, Demonstrator Holding President Aristide Photo, from a pro-Aristide protest in Haiti

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Titid = Lape, Aristide Means Peace

Titid = Lape, Aristide Means Peace

Here is a photo, Titid Lape, Aristide Means Peace, from a pro-Aristide protest in Haiti

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Titid Nap Tann Ou Aristide We Are Waiting For You

Titid Nap Tann Ou Aristide We Are Waiting For You

Here is a photo, Titid Nap Tann Ou Aristide We Are Waiting For You, from a pro-Aristide protest in Haiti

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Fok Titid Tounen Aristide Must Return

Fok Titid Tounen Aristide Must Return

Here is a photo, Fok Titid Tounen Aristide Must Return, from a pro-Aristide protest in Haiti

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